Allot has been said about the absence of hiv and aids cure, if you are reading this it is important to know that a lot of scientist all over the world have tried to come up with a remedy for hiv aids only for some their efforts to save lives have been dismissed by international agencies. In the past we have heard of scientist who invented formula for hiv aids whose efficacy was right and good for hiv aids patients but what happened the international agency and bureaus that i am obliged not to mention said that the drug was working but was disapproved from what they prefer as unknown side effects, in short some of this drugs are dismissed because their negative side effects are not yet known but the truth of the matter is that they cure. Think of Dr. Athur Obel a researcher and lecturer from Kenya whose drug for aids was rejected by the agencies. With my knowledge i have come up with a formula tried and tested practically by the locals but still has not been submitted to the world known agencies for fear of unfair scrutiny. The formula is a synergist with both interactions of conventional and herbal drugs. How the drug works is simple; just by raising the immune cells, T-cells, CD4 among other cells involved in immunological system. The formula is a three month programme that is guaranteed in elevating the CD4 cells, once you purchase the drug we send you with a prescription and advice you to have your CD4 cells checked at the end of 2nd month while on this awesome hiv drug. We treat but God heals, we send back your money if not satisfied with the results.
We receive money via pay pal. It’s very confidential that is why we urge you to send us your country, city, and postal address, and receive the product as a parcel right at your doorstep.
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Flu that does not go away, diarrhoea, sweating at night, excessive reduction in body weight, general feeling of weakness, headache, swollen lymph nodes and in others wounds that start as pimples.
STD opens sores and skin injuries in sex organs through which HIV enters.
A lot of T-lymphocytes are mobilised to fight the STD infections and since these are the targets of HIV, a lot of them are infected by HIV and destroyed and the patient goes down faster with the HIV.
The mode of transmission for the STDs is also the same as mode of transmission of HIV.
There is no single agreement as to where HIV came from, its emergence will always remain a mystery. There are several theories that try to explain origin of HIV / AIDS. They include; Mysterious origin e.g. the tail of the comet theory, monkey origin theory, calculation theory, conspiracy theory and religious theory.
God condemns homosexuality and it is from it that HIV and AIDS was first discovered therefore there is a strong believes by the sheep of God that it is him punishing and destroying the sinners. In many African communities they believe that HIV/AIDS is caused by a supernatural power-witchcraft and use anti witchcraft ritual to counteract the infection.
This theory locates origin of HIV out of this world. The theory suggests that a viral material was carried in the tail gases of a comet passing close to the earth and that this material was deposited, subsequently infecting nearby people. Although one or two astronomers’ names have been linked to this theory in the popular press, these scientists deny the possibility of this extraterrestrial phenomena and any personal connection to the theory.
HIV attacks all the immune cells since it is a lentivirus. Lentiviruses are a part of a large group of viruses known as retroviruses. Lentiviruses are slow virus since they take a long time to produce any adverse effects in the body. The most interesting lentivirus in terms of investigation into the origin of HIV is the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) that affects the monkey. It is thought that HIV is a descendant of a simian immunodeficiency virus because certain strains of simian immunodeficiency virus bear a very close resemblance to HIV-1 and HIV-2, the two type of HIV-2 correspond to SIVsm, a strain of the simian immunodeficiency virus found in the sooty mangabey which is indigenous to western Africa.
During the course of ten years study on origin of HIV by researchers. They claimed that samples proved that chimpanzees were the source of HIV-1, and the virus had at some point crossed species from chimps to humans.
It is known scientifically that some viruses can be passed between species, chimps obtained simian immunodeficiency virus that could have easily be transmitted to humans zoonotically. There are theories that try to explain how this SIV became HIV to humans. The theories are namely;
The hunter’s theory.
The contaminated needle theory.
Colonialism theory.
The oral polio vaccine theory
From this theory SIVcpz was transferred to humans as a result of chimps being killed and eaten or their blood getting into wounds and cuts of the hunter.
In 1950 the use of disposable plastic syringes became common place around the world as cheap, sterile way to administer medicine. However, to African healthcare professionals working on inoculation and other medical programmes, the huge quantity of syringes needed would have been very costly. It is there for more likely that one syringe was used for multiple people without sterilization in between , this would have transferred any viral particle from one person to another creating huge potential for the virus to mutate and replicate in each new individual it entered.
This theory was first proposed in 2000 by Jim Moore, an American specialist in primate behaviour.
During the 19th and 20th century much of African countries was under colonial hands, colonial rule was particularly harsh and many Africans were forced to work in labour camps where sanitation was poor, food was scarce and physical demands were extreme, this would have weakened anyone’s immune so the SIV could easily have infiltrated the labour camp and taken advantage of their weakened immune system to become HIV. Moore also believes that in the labour camp the labourers were inoculated with unsterilized needles against diseases such as small pox and that many of the camps employed prostitutes to keep the workers happy. Moore supports his theory with the fact that labour camps were set up around the time HIV was believed to have passed to humans.
This theory dictates that HIV is man-made with ulterior motive. Conspiracy theorists have blamed German biological warfare all the way back to the day of Nazi dominance in Germany for the HIV-infecting agents, others have blamed the American Central Intelligence Agency or the Russian secret service for deliberately using destructive viruses, including HIV to destabilize countries for their own political aims.
Recent survey carried out in the US identified a significant number of African-Americans who believe HIV was manufactured as part of biological warfare programme, designated to wipe large numbers of blacks and homosexuals. Many say that it was done under the auspices of the US federal ‘special cancer virus programme’ (SCVP) possibly with the help of CIA.