What is hiv.       
What is hiv and aids.
How hiv is acquired.
Will i be infected with hiv virus from kissing. / Kissing and hiv virus.
When is the best time to get hiv test.
Who is at risk of hiv infection.
What is opportunistic disease?
If am positive is there need to use protection.
Can i get hiv negative baby while am positive.
How do i protect myself from hiv aids.
Is there cure for hiv aids.
Why is it very hard to get cure for hiv aids.
Hiv aids in Africa.
Which is the best method to test for hiv aids.
What is hiv.
The initials h.i.v, stands for human immunodeficiency virus in other words hiv is limited to human beings and can only have clinical symptoms on them. Although there is evidence found that a certain hiv type was found in monkey could be true that the primate can and would acquire the virus but only as a reservoir host. Hiv virus affects majorly the immune cell therefore exposing the victim to a myriad of diseases.
What is hiv and aids?
It seems difficult for lots of people in differentiating what hiv and aids is, while hiv is human immunodeficiency disease, aids is acquired immune deficiency syndrome, one can be said to have aids only in presence of hiv virus that often manifests at later stages of hiv virus. One can have hiv and the same time is not a victim of aids yet. Aids victims have their immune system compromised and susceptible to lots of diseases.
How hiv is acquired?
There is a lot of information on the internet on how hiv virus is acquired. Hiv virus is found in the blood and fluids of an infected person. The most common route for transmission is through sexual intercourse with an infected person, during coitus there is release and exchange of fluids that contain numerous microscopic living organisms including DNA, if for example your sexual partner was a victim of hiv virus and your sexual encounter was unprotected then you would be in a very much greater chance of getting the hiv infection. An infected mother would pass the hiv virus to her baby through breastfeeding. One can acquire hiv virus through unscreened blood transfusion and from accidental pricks by cadres.
Will i be infected with hiv virus from kissing?
Hiv virus can be transmitted through kissing. How? Although research has shown that in the human saliva it can only hold traces of hiv virus that cannot fully blow into hiv infection due to the nature of the saliva as well as the amount of saliva exchange during kissing which is very little consequently, it would be very risky and unhealthy when two blood gum bleeders get into the act of kissing where as one would be infected and hence as a result of blood to blood contact hiv transmission is very high.
When is the best time to get hiv test?
One can get hiv test at any time but it is advisable that you get at least three tests to ascertain your negative results i.e. take your second test and third test after every three months allowing the incubation and window period for the hiv virus.

Who is at risk of hiv virus?
Anyone who is sexually active and does not perform protected sex is at a much higher risk of getting the infection. Lactating hiv infected mothers puts their babies at risk of contamination with the virus. Another great number of people with greater risks of acquiring hiv virus are drug users who share syringes without sterilization, a single syringe that might be infected with the virus is able to infect the whole group.
What is opportunistic disease?
Opportunistic diseases are those bacteria or other viruses that will take the advantage of a compromised immune system to cause a disease. These is very common in people living with hiv and aids since their leucocytes and especially the T-cell, CD4 cells that are immunological cells are damaged and depleted by the dangerous hiv viruses.
If am hiv positive should i use protection?
If infected or are hiv positive and are sexually active is always important to have protected sex in order not to transmit the virus to your partner as well as not to contaminate yourself with other strains of the virus  that are deadly, different strains of virus will increase hiv resistant to drugs. Latex condoms are a best way to protect yourself together with your partner.

Can i get hiv negative baby while am positive?
With today’s advancement in medicine it is possible for hiv positive mother to get a hiv negative baby. This is done in close supervision of a medical expert.
How do i protect myself from hiv aids?
It is very simple as to how you can protect yourself from hiv virus, the most effective way in protecting against hiv aids is by abstaining, living without sex will not make you a lesser human being neither will you get sick for abstaining and these is a sure way to keep hiv and aids infection at bay. Avoid extra marital affairs and stick to one partner, before engaging in sexual activities with your partner it is best to carry out hiv test, always put on latex condom for safe sex.
Is there cure for hiv aids?
The cure for hiv aids is far from being discovered although there are efforts to try and find vaccination, the truth of the matter is that there is no cure for hiv aids and the only remaining resort is antiretroviral drugs. In simpler terms once infected with the virus it becomes part of you and the best thing is to live a positive life while therapeutically managing the disease.
Why is it hard to find cure for hiv aids?  
The cure for hiv aids is still giving researchers sleepless nights although there were claims of a wonder drug for hiv found by a scientist in Africa that was able to treat hiv aids and although there were testimonies by his patients the drug was rejected by the world health organisation among other international agencies. It’s difficult to find the cure due to the fact that hiv is limited to humans only hence, an experimental obstacle.

Aids in Africa.
Aids in Africa is rampant claiming millions of people in these huge populated continent. Aids is so widely distributed in Africa due to poverty, cultural believes, illiteracy, prostitution, and lack of adequate hospital facilities and equipments et cetera. African countries are at periphery with majority of people living under absolute poverty this has contributed to an increase of aids in Africa where young girls and women engage in commercial sex to fend for their families, due to poverty the commercial sex workers cannot afford to purchase protective latex therefore spreading the hiv virus and aids within Africa very speedy. Another factor is the cultural believes of some African communities regarding aids, sex, and marriage, for instance there is wife inheritance after the death of the husband by the brother of the deceased regardless of the cause of the death by some communities of Africa, Some believe that having sexual intercourse with a virgin will cure him from hiv aids thus making aids in Africa worse. Illiteracy is also a factor that has allowed aids in Africa to expand exponentially, majority of people in Africa are either illiterate or semi illiterate making it difficult for them to access for information about aids either on the internet or in medical books therefore, lack of information regarding causes, transmission, treatment among other issues related to the topic. Lack of equipments and facilities in hospitals used to be a big hindrance in the fight against hiv aids in Africa, testing kits were a problem for example before the discovery and just post discovery of hiv aids many patient’s blood was drawn using single syringe for many patients to carry out tests. Hiv aids in Africa still remains a quagmire.
Which is the best method to test for hiv virus?
There are many methods used in identifying the hiv aids but depends on date of exposure to the virus. Some methods of testing hiv aids are complex yet accurate while others are cheap, simple to carry out but requires time to ascertain negative results. Some of the hiv tests include; strip test, PCR, ELISA test, western blot and CD4 cell count.