It is not strictly an STD as it is not transmitted via sexual intercourse. However, it can be exacerbated by sex and is more frequently found in sexually active women than those who have never had intercourse. It is caused by an imbalance in the normal healthy bacteria found in the vagina and although it is relatively harmless and may pass un noticed, it can sometimes produce an abundance of unpleasant fishy smelling discharge. Whilst there is no clear explanation as to why bacterial vaginosis occurs, there have been suggestions that the alkaline nature of the vaginal bacteria. Another cause could be the use of intrauterine contraceptive device. A woman cannot pass bacteria vaginosis to a man but it is important she receives treatment as bacteria vaginosis travel up into the uterus and fallopian tubes and cause a more serious infection. Treatment for bacteria vaginosis consists of applying a cream to the vagina or taking antibiotics.
It is often referred to as a symptom of infection, and not necessarily an infection in its own right. It is not strictly an STD, more a consequence of sexual activity. It only affects men and usually presents itself as an inflammation of the head of the penis, and is more common to uncircumcised me, it can be caused through poor hygiene, irritation due to condoms and spermicides, using perfumed toiletries and by having thrush. Balanitis can be prevented through, not using certain toiletries and by washing under the foreskin. Treatment of balanitis consists of creams to reduce inflammation and anti biotics if necessary.
It is the most common treatable bacterial STD. It can cause serious problems later in life if not treated. Chlamydia infects the cervix in women. The urethra, rectum and eyes can be infected in both sexes symptoms of Chlamydia may show up at any time. Often between 1 to 3 weeks after exposure. However, symptoms of Chlamydia may not emerge until along way down the line.
They are small, crab shaped parasites that live on hair and which draw blood. They live predominantly on pubic hair, but can also be found in hair in armpits on the body and even in the facial hair such as eye brows. They can live away from the body too, and there for can be found in clothes, bedding and towels. You can have crabs and not know about it, but, after 2 to 3 weeks, you would expect to have to experience itching. Crabs are mainly passed on through body contact during sex, but can also be passed on through sharing clothe, towels or bedding with someone who has them. Preventing others from infection by crabs is by washing clothes and beddings on a hot wash. Lotions can be applied to the body to kill the rice and control. Shaving off pubic hair will not necessarily get rid of lice.
It refers to inflammation of the epididymis, a tube system above the testicles where sperms are stored. It is not always as aresult of STD, but if it is, it usually due to the presence of Chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Symptoms of epididymitis will present themselves inform swollen and painful testicles and scrotum. The best way of preventing epididymitis is by use of condoms during sex, as this is the most effective to prevent Chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Epididymitis cannot be passed on, though any other infections that may have caused epididymitis can be passed on. Treatment of epididymitis usually involves treating the underlying infection with anti biotics.
Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus; the virus can affect the mouth, the genital area, skin around the anus and fingers. Once the outbreak of herpes is over, the virus hides away in the nerves fibres, where it remains totally undetected and causes no symptoms. Symptoms of the first infection of genital herpes usually appear one to 26 days after exposure and lasts two to three weeks. Both men and women may have one or symptoms including an itching or tingling sensation in the genital or anal area, small fluid blisters that can burst and leave small sores which can be very painful, pain when passing urine, if it passes on any of the open sores and fluid-like illness, backache, swollen glands or fever.
They are small fleshy growths which may appear anywhere on a man or woman’s genital area. Genital warts are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), warts can grow on the genitals, or on different part of the body, such as the hands, the incubation period for genital warts is one to three months and thus starts to appears on your genitals symptoms of genital warts are pinkish / whitish small lumps or large cauliflower-shaped lumps on the genital area, warts appear around the vulva, the penis , scrotum, and the anus, they may occur singly or in groups, they may itch but are usually painless. Warts on cervix may cause slight bleeding or very rarely unusual coloured vaginal discharge.
Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection. It is sexually transmitted, parts affecteted by gonorrhoea include; cervix, urethra, rectum, anus and throat. Symptoms of gonorrhoea may show anytime between one and fourteen days after exposure. Men are far likely to notice symptoms than women.
It is a skin disease caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus. Molluscum appears as small pumps on the skin and can last from a couple of weeks to a few years. Symptoms of molluscum are small pearl-shaped bumps the size of a freckle on the thighs, buttocks, genitalia and sometimes on the face. Molluscum contagiosum is passed through body contact during sex and through skin to skin contact. Prevention of molluscum is by use of condoms, avoid skin contact with someone who is infected and by not having sex with untreated individuals. Treatment for molluscum, can be frozen off or chemical can be paited but in most cases the disease is not treated and disappears over time.
Non-specific urethritis is an inflammation of man’s urethra. The inflammation may be caused by different types of infection the most common being Chlamydia. Non specific urethritis may be experienced months or even after years in relationship. The symptoms of non specific urethrinitis may include pain or a burning sensation when passing urine, white fluid from the tip of the penis that may be noticeable first thing in the morning, need to pass urine frequently. In many cases there are no symptoms but can pass the infection to your partner.

Syphylis is a bacterial infection that is usually sexually transmitted and which can be passed from infected mother to the unborn baby. The signs and symptoms of syphilis are the same in both men and women, symptoms of syphilis will are difficult to recognise but will appear up to three months from the time of infection. Syphilis develops in stages with primary and secondary stages being very infectious.
Candidiasis is yeast which lives on the skin and is normally kept in check by harmless bacteria, multiplication of yeast causes itching, swelling, soreness, and discharge in both men and women. Symptoms of candidiasis; women may experience a thick white discharge and pain when passing urine. Men may experience the same discharge in the penis and difficult in pulling back the foreskin how candidiasis is transmitted is when having sex with an infected person, but can also be infected with thrust if you wear too tight nylon or lycra clothes or if taking certain antibiotics. Prevention of candidiasis is by use of condoms during intercourse and washing underneath foreskin for men. Treatment for thrush involves taking or applying antifungal treatments. Thrush is prone to re occur in women.
It is caused by aparasite found in vagina and men’s urethra. Symptoms of trichomonas vaginosis include; pain when urinating, discharge, soreness when having sex and when urinating, inflammation of the vulva in women. Transmission route for trichomonas vaginosis is via having oral, anal, or vaginal sex with an infected person. Treatment of trichomonas vaginosis includes taking antibiotics e.g. metramidazole.
AIDS is a fatal disease and wide spread globally, how long can one live with AIDS is not know  but can cause death in less than two years of which will depend on other factors such as nutrition and individual lifestyle. The virus causing AIDS is commonly transmitted through unprotected sex; there is no cure or vaccine for AIDS, although onset symptoms of AIDS can be delayed by use of antiretroviral drugs. Prevention of AIDS is by use of condoms during sex or by limiting sexual activities by being faithful to one partner. How do i know that am infected with AIDS? Many people do not or are in fear to know their status but one should not ignore the signs and symptoms of AIDS and should take an immediate medical diagnostic test for proper control and management of AIDS.
Allot has been said about the absence of hiv and aids cure, if you are reading this it is important to know that a lot of scientist all over the world have tried to come up with a remedy for hiv aids only for some their efforts to save lives have been  dismissed by international agencies. In the past we have heard of scientist who invented formula for hiv aids whose efficacy was right and good for hiv aids patients but what happened the international agency and bureaus that i am obliged not to mention said that the drug was working but was disapproved from what they prefer as unknown side effects, in short some of this drugs are dismissed because their negative side effects are not yet known but the truth of the matter is that they cure. Think of Dr. Athur Obel a researcher and lecturer from Kenya whose drug for aids was rejected by the agencies. With my knowledge i have come up with a formula tried and tested practically by the locals but still has not been submitted to the world known agencies for fear of unfair scrutiny. The formula is a synergist with both interactions of conventional and herbal drugs. How the drug works is simple; just by raising the immune cells, T-cells, CD4 among other cells involved in immunological system. The formula is a three month programme that is guaranteed in elevating the CD4 cells, once you purchase the drug we send you with a prescription and advice you to have your CD4 cells checked at the end of 2nd month while on this awesome hiv drug. We treat but God heals, we send back your money if not satisfied with the results.
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